04 Sep

Hello to you, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. 

Well, what an interesting year we have all had with C19, if you were asked in 2015 what you be doing in 5 years time you would have never guessed this virus could cause such devastation. 

I like many others was isolated with my Son, All his carers and direct payment carers stooped, all the schools closed and other support like Footstep therapy, surgeries, support, school SEN clubs were closed. 

My son and I have had a wonderful time over C19 and we have enjoyed home schooling. We also called or wrote to my patients to keep up well being.  I am pleased to say my son returned to school this Sept and i am back working. I wear full PPE and take extra precautions to protect my son and my patients and me. A risk assessment is done over the telephone before meet. If you are in the high risk of having C19 i will arrange for someone else to do your feet. If weather is kind to us then i will conducts treatment in your garden or by a opened patio door. I brink all my own chairs, seats and foot rests all you have to do is find a comfortable chair to sit in while i do your feet, if a hot day i would prefer us to be in the shade. 

I have reducing how many clients i can see in a day, due to extra sensitization and protects to reduce any risks of contracting or spreading C19. 

Over C19 i have still kept up to date with CPD training and have booked on for more on 17th Sept 2020 and will be doing an online CPD training. 

Stay Safe and stay well but keep living..... xxxxx Claire 

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